
Saturday, December 24, 2005

Williams Update

Okay, it's Saturday, the 24th and all of the kids are home. Tim and Jill flew in on Tuesday, although they stayed with Jill's parents in Dearborn Heights until yesterday. They drove down here yesterday afternoon and we went bowling - Tim's new passion. (They live in 29 Palms, CA,which is in the middle of nowhere. The only entertainment is a bowling alley, so they do that alot!) Then we went to Grandma & Grandpa Williams' for Tim's birthday dinner (he turned 25 yesterday). Tim's favorite meal is swiss steak - cooked by his grandpa. At 11:30 p.m. Nick pulled in - he left Camp Lejeune, NC around noon. Today I drove up to Detroit and picked Michael up at the airport at 1:05 p.m. We got home just in time for Mike to go with all of the kids to Uncle Paul & Aunt Yulia's (yes, "Yulia" - she's Indonesian) for a late lunch/early supper. I haven't had a chance to get a picture yet - I hope to do that tomorrow. James is in his glory because he has all of his brothers home. Believe it or not, they all love their youngest brother and shower him with lots of attention. Pictures to follow hopefully tomorrow!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Mom and her kids and some of her grandchildren

Thanksgiving weekend some of us got together at Ed & Rebecca's. Here's Dana, Ted, & Allegra Schnitzel, Julia Whitbeck, and Nick & James Williams. The next picture is of Barbara, Ed, Gram, Louise, Margie & Dottie. Hey, Ted, Kyle's girlfriend and another girl were looking at these pictures and they think you're hot!

Kyle went 5-0 again Saturday, Dec. 17th

Here's Kyle wrestling a kid from Canton, MI.
Kyle pinned him in a cradle.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Williams Family Reunion

Finally - all of our children will be together at the same time. Back in April, we all went to Nick's Marine Corps. boot camp graduation at Parris Island, SC. Everyone except for Michael & Jill, that is - Michael had exams that week and couldn't make it, and Jill had to work. Tim flew in from Phoenix, the rest of us drove down. I took a nice picture of all of my boys and pasted Michael into it. In July everyone except Nicholas flew out west to see Tim's graduation from Marine Corps. boot camp in San Diego, CA. Nick was graduating from his first mechanic school at Camp Lejeune, NC the same day. This time I took a picture of the kids together and pasted Nicholas into it. Well, I'll finally get to get a picture of all of the kids at the same time. Tim and Jill are flying into Detroit on Dec. 20th; Nicholas is driving home from Camp Lejeune, NC on the 23rd; and Michael is flying into Detroit on Dec. 24th. I am sooooo excited.

Kyle Wrestling - he went 5-0 at this meet

Kyle is the wrestler
in black and orange.
He wrestles at 171 pounds.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Schnitzel Quintet

Lyz is getting married in June, and she wants us Schnitzel's to play at her wedding. Is she nuts?!! Dottie got the music and sent us each a copy to practice. On Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend we all got together at Ed and Rebecca's to "practice." Pretty scratchy at first, but as we kept going, it started to sound better. Margie had the bright idea to record us on tape so we could go home and remember what the song is supposed to sound like. Rebecca dug out one of the kids' tape recorders, but it wasn't doing us justice. Ed suggested we all go to the church where he could record us onto a CD, so off we went. I'm so glad we did the recording and have been practicing almost every day. By June I think we should have it down pat!