
Sunday, July 13, 2008

More pics of Kyle in Iraq

I found these pictures on the official website for Kyle's squadron. The caption under the photos explains what they are doing. (I didn't write the captions, I copied them from the website!) Their squadron's website is: just in case anyone is interested.

Swifty Aircrew LCpl Smith and Cpl Williams providing security
for a weapons cache until EOD could take over. Normally such
tasks are not assigned to “Wingers”, but the word has gotten out
across the AO that the Marines of HMM-364 are not only proficient Aircrew, but they can hold their own on the ground as well! Can I get a MAGTF!?!

(Kyle is on the far right in the green t-shirt)
Aircrew pictured here shortly after completing a sand table exercise with members of 1st Tanks. It was highly motivating and beneficial for the tankers to learn from the Swifty Aircrew who are experienced in operating REAL war machines… Battle Phrogs

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Did I Mention Kyle is in Iraq?

While we were all enjoying ourselves at Luke and Erin's wedding, Kyle was, and still is, in Iraq - fighting the war on terror. Kyle is a crew chief on a CH-46 helicopter, so here are a few pics of Kyle on his helicopter.

Here he is relaxing - listening to his ipod and playing cards.

This is his seat when they are flying (which they are doing there).

Kyle catching the view out the back door.

This is the gun that he shoots out the window.

Here he is shooting the gun (this was just a practice mission - not really shooting at anyone).

And this is what Iraq looks like - hmm looks like the desert!

This is Kyle's helicopter in Iraq.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Luke & Erin's Wedding

Here are just a "few" pictures from Luke & Erin's Wedding

This picture was taken at the rehersal the night before. Aunt Margie is showing Jill just how easy it is to hold a little baby....

So, here is Jill holding baby Jaxson - and he fell asleep. Oh, by the way, my daughter-in-law needs all the practice she can get because SHE IS PREGNANT!!!! I'm just a little excited!!
Tim, Michael & James are supposed to be rehersing, but I think they are probably getting a kick out of Jill practicing her mothering skills....

Look, he is still sleeping - now he has his little binky in.
Here is Aunt Margie helping James with his cuff links.

And here is Aunt Barbara helping Jacob with his cuff links.

Michael is checking himself out - he's looking good!

Uncle Charley is wondering where everybody is, while Seth is fixing his tie.
Tim & Jill are ready. Did I mention that JILL IS PREGNANT?!
Looks like all the guys are ready - here's Uncle Charley, Michael, James, Seth, Jacob, Josh (Erin's cousin), Tim & Luke (he's the groom!)
Here's the Williams children (minus Kyle because he is in Iraq) at the church -James, Jill (WHO IS CARRYING MY FIRST GRANDCHILD!), Tim, Nicholas & Michael

James is getting his flower pinned on.
Nicholas & James signing the guestbook.

Uncle Ed, Nicholas & Chuck

The Williams Family (minus Kyle, who, as I mentioned earlier, is in Iraq "fighting the war on terror," as he puts it)

Gram & Tim

James escorting Julia to her pew

Tim, Michael & James looking handsome as ever!

The guys waiting for the girls - Luke, Jacob, Joshua, Seth, Tim, Michael & James

Mr. & Mrs. Luke DeBoer!

Nicholas and his beautiful Grammy!

Janet, Eric, Jared, Uncle Ed & Nicholas

Aunt Louise, Janet & Eric
Here's the Williams family again - did I mention that I AM GOING TO BE A GRANDMA?? JUST CALL ME "NANA!"

Charley & Margie

The Schnitzel Family
The Whitbeck Family
The Kreider Family

The new Mr. & Mrs. Luke DeBoer!

Tim & Jill (yep, TIM IS GOING TO BE A DADDY!!!)
Oh yea, the baby is due in January - Tim and Jill are moving to Okinawa, Japan in October, so "Nana" will be going to Japan in January - I am soooo excited!

My boys love each other!
They really do love each other!

Tim & Eric

My beautiful mother dancing with my hubby - mom, I hope I look as good as you when I am almost 78 years old!!!

Barb & Chuck

Julia & Nicholas
Here are James and Julia back in January, 1995 dancing at Rich & Trish's wedding - James had his bone marrow transplant in Sept., 1994, so his hair wasn't back yet from all the chemo he went thru.
And here are James & Julia dancing at Luke & Erin's wedding over thirteen years later. Wow, they are still adorable!

Michael & Jaxson

Gram with her three great grandchildren - Emma, Joshua & Jaxson